We partook of open mike session at our beloved Mexican restaurant last night, a little fun and excitement. Almost all performers were regulars we recognized from last year. Not much changes. The place was almost standing room only and gave us a vicarious feeling of being part of the action.
Today were spicing it up a bit with a trip to the volcano. The variety has me a tiny bit tense. Where will I get my sun? We're driving down the wet side of the island through Hilo because it is closer. Last night I found out I had seat heat in the car - a perfect foil for that dreadful airconditioning.
Did any of your party participate in the open mike show?
Looks like you're soaking up lots of sun. Hopefully it will be springlike when you get back to Nelson so you can continue to sunbathe.
Henry's rep hockey team are the provincial champs for 2 years in a row. Beat the Nelson team handily. In fact won all their games. when they got back to Terrace they received an honorary escort from the RCMP which was pretty exciting for the team.
I think Harris may have found his bliss. And does it get any better for Kyran? Bubbles AND beaches.
Love that rainbow. And the bubble bath looks like fun :)
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