Thursday, December 25, 2008

christmas day

We are up listening to our complimentary christmas cd from the rental agency. A nice mixture of hawaiian vocals and english vocals with a number of standard carols. Joop and Kyr really distain it. I like it except for the white christmas one. That song in the tropics really bothers me. Joop has started the day really stressed because his computer has packed it in.

We went to Hilo market yesterday. The little Hawaiian Havana was really bustling. I thought I'd buy a fondue pot at one of the kitchen supply shops. I was informed rather emphatically that fondue was practically illegal in Hawaii. We were incredulous - Why? Well it is very obvious that those little flame holders under the pot hold a flamable liquid and that must not be brought into hawaii because of the combustibility. So we wildly started listing all of the combustible liquids covering the island - gas, alcohol etc. I even vainly said what about methyl hydrate surely there is methyl hydrate on the island. He most emphatically shook his head. What about those chafing pots for buffets? I asked. He hesitated over that one and came up with a rather evasive answer about they are a different size than normal, much smaller than mainland burners. Well we had our illegal fondue last night, very furtive with the lights low. I just kept it in the hot water bath and it was actually better, no chance of burning.
The market was overwhelming. It seems a shame to not buy all the fresh produce. It is quite exciting - a big bag of papayas for $2. We happily bought a bag of tangerines, that Kyr and I are consoling ourselves must be local because they look so dreadful. Joop happily bought chinese garlic unknowingly which made us question all of wares. The ugly, blemished ones must be local we have decided and so happily just have hawaiian produce except for the garlic. I bought a large mass of tropical flowers to create a bouquet for Harmon and Donna. They are having us over for Christmas dinner tonight. All of the flower plus the lovely banana leaf lined pot for only $17. I hope its not like bringing coal to Newcastle. But I like it if people bring me bouquets of flowers that grow around Nelson so I'm going to try not to worry.
We drove down to the western beaches chased by 2 rainbows. Waimea is always covered in rainbows. The beached were too windy so we went down to Kings shops at the Waikaloa resort for a drink. We happily bought salt from the dead sea to exfoliate ourselves to the smoothness of a babies bottom. The Isreali vendor who happily told us he spoke 7 languages including greek, also include a lovely free gift of a nail buffer. It really works! He buffed my thumbnail to the sheen of a very glossy nail polish that is to last for 2 weeks. I love it! It is still shiny as I type. It has something to do with the silk portion releasing my natural oils. Can't you just picture toenails?
So far none of us are pining for the opening of the presents thing. Kyr is either being exceptionally brave or he genuinely doesn't mind.
We are heading to the beach soon to frolic until we head to Donna and Harmon's where Donna's parents have made 150 Bitterbals - a savory dutch treat we will be devouring.
Merry Christmas Y'all once again!
Just to let you know Joop has once again rescued his computer from the bowels of oblivion - he discovered lots of dust around his fan and then unstuck his fan with a meat skewer and by pouring some type of miraculous liquid has created a new,cooler computer much to Kyr's and my collective happiness!


Melissa Hart said...

Great fixin' Joop! Have yourselves a Merry Little Zen Christmas...Man, I could really go for an ocean dip today.

Miranda said...

Merry christmas, y'all!

Im on my own, my little birds have flown to MTL for a few days while I whip the house into salable submission.

I applaud vigorously your gift free holiday - we've cut down steadily but next year Just santa. Dont mind if we join you on the beach, do you?

Theresa's travel thoughts said...

Are you doing this house thing on your own Miranda?
That is very heroic. I'm sure the little birds are having a great time at Ya yas. I know I did.