Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Sun

I am a patchwork quilt of burns. Small slashes and squares of redness randomly throughout my skin. I don't know how it happened. The first day I attributed it the the uneven coverage of a spray sunscreen model. The next day I changed types and was super vigilant in the slathering. At walmart that evening as I was examining my back in a horrified manner through a wavy jewellery counter mirror a passer by said "What did you use?" I exclaimed banana boat sport 30 our tried and true. She agreed that it was the most exceptional product having lived and boated here for 25 years. She then proposed to quiz me on time of sun exposure. It was true.
We were in the sun at noon. I was feeling all triumphant since Misty's arrival that she seemed to inspire us to get out of the house way earlier. But perhaps its too early. And then to hedge all bets I went back and got SPF 50 even though I heard this winter that anything over 30 is a waste of time. We used to use 50 and I never got burnt. Hopefully this will solve the burn issue. And the other precaution I will take is to wear a "hubby clubber" while I snorkle. Kyr bought himself a 5 shirt package of tank tops that he lovingly refers to as "wife beaters" -common teenage lingo. So when I tried to borrow one and he was reluctant I said - fine I would wear my girl tank top which Joop quickly called a "hubby clubber" in contrast. I like it. I hope it catches on.
Mist got her great reward of seeing a huge gathering of mongeese (mongooses for those in the know). A species she loves and fears in equal shrill measure. When we stopped at the bookstore we found a weird cat woman feeding at least 20 stray cats by a huge lava wall embankment. She tersely said she doesn't feed and water them on Saturday and Sunday - someone else does, in response to my questions. Waiting patiently in the rock crevices were all of these mongeese. My only consolation is that they wait patiently until the cats finish eating before they come over and finish it off. They all seem to exist quite companionably together.
Snorkeling was lovely. I had a huge eel swim underneath me. Quite exciting. Unfortunately the Fairmont beech boy (that is indeed how he introduced himself shaking my hand) decided to wait until everyone had wandered off except Kyr and I and then he asked if we were guests. I said no but my sister was. He then nervously handed me a pamphlet outlining the $2000 annual fee for the privilege of their sand and then asked that I stop by the cabana next time and pick up "Fairmont" towels. It is hard to be seen as beach riffraff. I guess my platinum member status is not emblazened on my head.
While we were getting our star bucks yesterday morning Joop overheard this conversation between two hawaiians. "Is he a coloured guy?" "Yup, he's a local product."
Too much.
The picture is how we start our mornings. Notice how easily Mist has slipped in. I still have to struggle to access my computer. We'll try to beach it again today. Perhaps not the Fairmont as they have successfully scared me off.


Melissa Hart said...

awe....don't be scared. I swam with 2 sea turtles this AM. It was so beautiful!

Sandra said...

Hope your sunburn fades quickly! Sound like everyone is having a great time. Nothing new here. Mocks have changed their plans and are arriving on Sat.

Melissa Hart said...

Hi T,
Missed you guys yesterday. We'lll be moving over to the condo today at 3. I'll email our phone number. We''l be here until then. What about you?

Caroline Miege said...

beach riff raff unite!!!!haaaaaaaa