Friday, March 18, 2011

Boogie Boarding

I'm having to blog at night now because my blogging slowed down our progress to such a significant degree that we missed getting into Mauna Kea by one car. I thought we were doing exceptionally well being at the gates by 10:11, but apparently that is too late. I was initially distraught because being at Hapuna again means that I have to make my way past all of the boogie boarders in order to get to snorkeling territory. Not being a boogie boarder myself, they seem a wild, unwieldy lot that would as soon mow you down as abandon their wave. Needless to say I am traveling with boogie boarders. In the pictures you can see them strutting out to the waves clutching their boards and in some pictures even see Kyr and Harris catching some. It is quite the art.
I managed to snorkel a bit, not much because it is so choppy and even once you get to the corral there is not many fish. Is that significant? I don't know what to think on that point because I'm here so seldom and can't really say much about the amount of fish. I'm sure it is variable even in good years.
Once again we are struggling against the ravages of the sun. Today though, the ravages were in the attempts to foil it. Harris accidently burnt his left arm yesterday. After much nagging by me because I promised his mother he would not be burnt, he was vigilant in reapplying his sunscreen, but somehow it got in his eyes. He was in such agony for hours that I was contemplating attending emergency, but then through a miraculous self medication of sucking up Starbucks icewater through a straw and then dribbling it on his eye, he was cured, thank god. And then Kyr somehow spasmed his shin muscle into an S shaped that was unrelenting for 2 days despite my prescription muscle relaxants. So with the boys and their ailments, I am exhausted. I am thankful that neither condition precluded them enjoying the boogie boarding.
Tomorrow we will attempt to get to Mauna Kea by 9 am and then take the newly paved saddle road to Hilo where we will partake of the market. The boys are supposed to make supper every 3rd night. Somehow the plethora of Costco ingredients was uninspiring. They aim to make the market their destination - fruits and veggies galore. I'm pleased as long as Harris doesn't sneak Spam into the mix.
We'll probably take the coastal route back because it is so beautiful. For some reason the only people we run into are from BC. We are assured the volcano is open for observation by the native BCers. I'm pleased because that would be quite spectacular even to see the video footage of the latest explosion. The good thing about the Hawaii volcanos is that they erupt so slowly - 10mph, that they are easily outrunable.
Joop cooked supper tonight - a very delectable blue marlin - the very fish of trophy and fantasy.
There is so much to see and see again that I already feel panicky that we might miss something. I was wrong in my last post - the temp actually goes down to 64 F. Sandra and John would feel right at home at Morning Fire.


Miranda said...

64~~!! You're supposed to be in Hawaii!!!!!

Boogie boarding is ADDICTIVE!! I couldnt get enough of it - I literally could do it 8h/day, and when I say 'do it' that is really a loose interpretation...even still...true love. You no like???

Theresa's travel thoughts said...

I would like but I can't get up in shallow water, so I would be lying there, assuming I was successful, until another wave took me back out to deeper water. Oh well, since I've never tried it, it is not too huge a loss and I save all my time for snorkeling.

Unknown said...

The girls arrived this am and we've been very busy. Peter looks terrific. He's in great shape and looks years younger.

Tomorrow we're planning on going to the Wildlife Park.
Pippi wanted to go to bed about 4 this afternoon because she decided it would be morning sooner.

Sounds like your holiday is going well!

Hope the boys are better ...Harris's burn and Kyran's muscle spasm.

i'd love to see the volcano. I've seen it often on tv but the real thing should be fascinating. Takes lots
of pictures>