Thursday, August 25, 2011

Opulence in San Francisco

We left San Jose yesterday after Joop and I made our TV debut. We were interviewed on the street and quizzed about what we thought 8 pictures from the tech museum actually were. Apparently we ( Joop) did quite well - identifying the first pacemaker (gigantic thing totally unrecognizable to me), some contraption that was a compass and elevation measurer that did the initial mapping of the region. I added my two cents - when Joop claimed an old car was wireless - I chimed in horseless, contributed a lovely tidbit on the refractive index of water etc... but mostly stared into the camera looking very concerned. It was fun.
The San Jose Fairmont tried to make amends by removing all of our food charges which came to over $200. So I felt satisfied.
We arrived in San Francisco and had to wait for our room. You can see Joop and Kyr hunkered down in the lobby frantically computering. The wait seemed a bit excessive - 2 hours but in the end it was worth it because we have the Medici suite which is a lovely suite on the top floor of the old part. All the hotel staff when carrying our bags, directing us etc - exclaimed "oh that's a nice suite". Almost too nice. You don't feel like leaving the comfort of the canopied bed.
We braved the horrible hikes, though admittedly way less traumatic in the vibram 5 toed wonders, and took in fishermans wharf. There is a picture of Kyr framed beside his longed for destination -Alkatraz. We'll see. His other choice might be one of those seguay tours. I'm not sure about that one.
We went for a luxurious dinner at one of the top restaurants. It had a lovely ocean theme with interesting jelly chandeliers, anemone lights etc..I braved a lobster, though upon reflection I wondered why because it is so much work and I'm too cowardly to really go at it. Kyr had to do all of the cracking of the beast for me. Walking home up the steep hills is quite cathartic as you think of all the calories burned.
Starbucks is blocks away down a very steep hill, and even then their hot water tap was broken. Getting tea is proving to be a bit exhausting. We went in a small deli to get me a cup and an altercation between one of the patrons and another who had a small poodle was so upsetting to me that I spilt my hot water all over. So despite the opulence some of the basics like tea are a bit difficult to procure.
Joop has left us today to attend the 4oth birthday party of his son in Port Alberni.
Kyr and I are left to struggle with the elements on our own. The entertainment decisions are so exhausting that I will need a little nap before we carry on.


Melissa Hart said...

OMG I am missing San Fran!
-congrats on your TV interviews :)
-hog wash on the starbcuks being too far. I skipped down there mearily each morn :0
-pics of the suite please :)
Keep on BLogging!

Johan said...

Sad not to be there to offer assistance in the tea procurement efforts - although my goof of not asking for the right tea bag didn't help matters.