Saturday, February 1, 2014

Paris first few days

Cheshire cat on train from Amsterdam to Paris 
View from our Hotel Atlantis looking up the St. Sulpice towards the Seine.

The window in our hotel room

An incredibly tattered luxury bathrobe hanging for guest's use.

Heading out to Joop's birthday dinner
We arrived in good form after the rapid train ride. Travelling at 300km/hr made the cars on the highway look like they were standing still. We travelled in 1st class and were given much food and drink on the short 3 hour journey. I was busy sewing and repairing the metro which made Joop feel that I would miss out on the changing landscape. I really didn't notice major scenery differences. I thought the views of Brussels made the city seem way more depressed economically than the Dutch towns. 
I was amazed by the uniformness of Paris - it is mesmerizing to be in a place where the buildings are all the same soft limestone colour with the elaborate black iron balconies. It is very pretty but so much the same. I don't remember anyone mentioning that to me before. The other thing that immediately stood out is the funeral nature of everyone walking around - all of the black. I ended up feeling quite sanctimonious about our coloured clothing. We are attempting to get the feel of the city by just meandering about - no real destinations for awhile. 
The neighbourhood where we are staying is very posh - nothing but designer boutiques. I have yet to feel a strong urge to buy anything - the prices are so dear.  I must admit though that the clothes and shoes are beautiful. 
The streets are way less crowded than Amsterdam - probably because the city is so much bigger.

The beautiful Art deco dining room of Bouillon Racine
This is the restaurant where we had Joop's birthday dinner. The food was supremely tastey. Despite the talk of the abrupt rude french almost all of the serving staff  we have encountered have been most gracious and friendly. I don't even feel that badly about my non existent french. After a few days here however I must say that a person suffering from Wheat allergy, fish sensitivity and a love of vegetables has a hard time procuring food. Paris of all places. I am finding it quite hard to eat. They are not big on meal sized salads or vegetables that don't include fish. Supper is almost always pork, lamb or duck - no chicken to be found for love or money and don't try to order vegetables - some places actually turn you away - "no vegetables here". Maybe I'll fade away. Probably not too much damage can occur in one week and I have a good supply of spanish clementines.
Joop has found the morning croissant and coffee too dear at 6 -7 euros for a tablespoon of coffee with the croissant. Needless to say we park ourselves at Starbucks in the morning to be able to stave off our gargantuan North american appetite for tea and coffee - thank god for venti. 

Standing in front of Notre Dame

Statue outside Notre Dame - I love the horse

Joop in front of the Seine with its too rapid current

Joop's natural beer fridge

View from Starbucks 

The infamous Magots where a teensy cup of cafe costs 8 euros

1 comment:

Melissa Hart said...

Oh, to be livin' it up in Paris! Beautiful pics. The tattered robe is too much! I so want to be in Paris right at this moment....sigh...