Thursday, August 27, 2015

City of Surprises

Hot summer afternoon Central Park
 It is nice to be so close to Central Park. We start all of our journeys there and it is probably crucial to keeping me balanced in such a frenetic environment. Though I have to say I love the possibility that living in a big city seems to suggest - the next great or interesting thing is just potentially around the corner. I would be happy to wile my days away at different museums. If you felt antsy or lonely you could just think of somewhere interesting to go, a new restaurant etc, or just ride the subway and look at everyone ( surreptitiously of course!). I have finally discerned the thing above all else that might keep me from truly enjoy living in a city - and that is I find the human struggle too upsetting. Every person we pass that is trying to eek out a living, or even partially gainfully employed - I just think - how hard this must be. I wish I could accommodate all the Rickshaw drivers, the people offering carriage rides around the Park, tip all of the service people grandly. Life is hard for the majority of people and living in my little bubble in Nelson doesn't put it so squarely in my face. And then of course all the things I think would be marvellous to do require money, so then I would have to be one of those struggling to find employment, or even if I found it - probably wouldn't provide the standard of living that I've grown used to.... so all in all not a move I'm contemplating too quickly. Plus I'm pretty sure my dogs would really tire of city walking very quickly - they love the freedom they have to sniff nature smells.
Bucolic scene Central Park

Turtles of Central Park

Proud as punch outside Natural History Museum
We are trying to pack in a lot of sights but it is hard. I feel like most of my time is spent socializing - meeting facebook friends, old friends, siblings, nieces, you name it. It is a busy time. Plus these museums probably require multiple frequent visits to not feel so overwhelmed by info.
Diners at Rosemary's
We had a wonderful meal at Rosemary's but I felt very isolated as I was for sure the only one over 40 in a very crowded restaurant. I tried to feel younger to fit in.
The under 40 crowd at Rosemary's

Streets of Greenwich Village

Surprise gathering at Melissa's Plaza suite
Tuesday morning we got a phonecall from my sister Melissa - it was on the in house phone and she called to say they were both staying at the Plaza 10 floors above us in an elaborate suite. Kyr and I were very surprised as we had no idea. Then to make things more shocking I saw that she had received a facebook comment from an old friend of ours who just happened to be in New York. I hadn't seen Rick since Saskatoon when Kyr was 2. We all converged at the suite for a night of good cheer and great stories. Rick and his wife Donna are actors. Donna is currently in rehearsals for  The Sound of Music, which is about to go on tour. Rick regaled us with great stories of many of the productions he has been in and what life is like as an actor in North America. Despite being in many films and tv productions, Rick's heart is with theatre. I tried to promote Hart Hall as a marvellous venue to host some productions. Here is hoping.
Picnic with facebook friends
Kyr and I met a family of sisters with whom I am facebook friends. We had a picnic in the Chess and Checkers area of the Park. The sisters were very delightful and shared many stories of their lives growing up in New York and of their lives today.  Kyr and I enjoyed ourselves immensely and find it so marvellous to have found such interesting, lovely people from our days as Stuffies on the Estate of Hippoworth.
Moon over Broadway

Subway scene vignettes

Filming outside our hotel suite
It is time to get out into the chaos of the streets. I begin my day with navigating the crowds on the sidewalk to get our Starbuck beverages to fortify us. Back in the hotel room, we then gird up our loins and attack the day. We really are night owls and are enjoying the night life - wandering into pubs and walking the lively night streets in different neighbourhoods. Today we will attempt the Frick and then my friend Leo has bought us tickets to Blue Men.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Very interesting account of your trip and wonderful pictures!