Monday, April 25, 2016

Goodbye Cancun

Biologist/photographer in Action
"Colors de Cancun" having a rest before her next excursion

Me waiting patiently for the evening to begin

View from my lounger at the snorkelling beach

Smiling Iguana ( if you can see his charming smile)
I just got home to blooming azaleas and lilacs; a full month before I've ever seen them here. So it is not the beautiful vegetation and warmth that I am missing but the complete relaxation. I got home to an impeccably clean house ( and even swept back porch) and happy,content animals; so I feel so happy to be home, but still I long for that intense heat, the beautiful food and really - the sweet friendliness of all of the Mexican workers at the resort. Since most of the cliental was from France and quite aloof - I'm not missing the other resort attendees that much. But I would go back in a heart beat. Even Kyr and his friends are potentially planning a end of year celebration there next year which would be perfect for young guys - so many sports to do, so many beautiful G.O. girls. I can't imagine a better time. 
When I was lying there at the snorkelling beach yesterday - looking up from one of my books ( both Kyr and I finished 3 novels - readers paradise!) I spotted a drone flying above the snorkellers - one in particular. No matter what she did the drone was there. I got a really creepy feeling thinking that maybe this is what awaits us - random flying objects that can get obsessed and harass us, with no immediate recourse for the person being harassed. I told Kyr about it when he woke up (hot sun and surf is quite a soporific). He managed to glean while we were leaving the snorkel area that Club Med is trying to start an instagram acct and the film footage from that drone is part of it. The subject of the drone's scrutiny was a young lovely asian girl, so perhaps they are trying to attract the Chinese market.
I had no cell service while I was away and the internet was quite sporadic so contact with my clinic was not as intense as in previous holidays. Sadly, one of my favourite patients died while I was away. It was hard to help manage his case while I was so far away, but with today's technology - they sent me photos of his blood smear etc, I was actually able to see what was happening. I wonder if that is such a good thing. I am very attached to my patients and loathe the idea something might happen to them when I am not there, but now it is almost impossible to escape. So I wonder how much holiday - escape from our daily lives - do people really get anymore? I think it is now the time to recognize that even the most devoted person needs an occasional break from their livelihood. Club Med tries to facilitate that by no having free Wifi and even then very hard to load, blah,blah... but I think the time is coming when we must insist on freedom from contact - at least for a short while - for us to recalibrate. We all need to uplug sometimes.

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